Research Assistant at Texas Analog Center of Excellence,
PhD Student at University of Texas at Dallas

Integrated System Design Laboratory - ISDL Lab
Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science,
TxACE (Texas Analog Center of Excellence)
University of Texas at Dallas , TX, USA


Email: ,
Office: 800 West Campbell Road, Richardson, Texas 75080-3021



Energy harvesting, power management, wireless sensor networks and signal conditioning consistitute my fields of expertise. I am highly interested in the design of the efficient integrated power conversion systems that convert diverse energy sources such as RF, solar, vibration and heat into electrical energy. My highest motivation constitute the development of low power and low cost autonomous wireless sensing systems that incorporate the essential power management and energy conversion unit as well as the readout and sensing interfaces.

Areas of Interest



  1. Konstantopoulos, C.; Koutroulis, E., "Global Maximum Power Point Tracking of Flexible Photovoltaic Modules", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.29, no.6, pp.2817,2828, June 2014 Available here.
  2. Kampianakis E. ,Kimionis J. ,Tountas K. ,Konstantopoulos C. ,Koutroulis E. ,Bletsas A. "Wireless Environmental Sensor Networking with Analog Scatter Radio and Timer Principles", Special Issue of IEEE Sensors, Volume:14 , Issue: 10 Available here.
  3. Konstantopoulos C. ,Koutroulis E. ,Mitianoudis N., Bletsas A. "Converting a Plant to a Battery and Wireless Sensor with Scatter Radio and Ultra-Low Cost", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume:65, Issue: 2 Available here.

Conferences and Workshops

  1. Konstantopoulos, C.; Kampianakis, E.; Koutroulis, E.; Bletsas, A., "Wireless sensor node for backscattering electrical signals generated by plants," Sensors, 2013 IEEE , 3-6 Nov. 2013 Available here , Presentation .
  2. Kampianakis, E.; Kimionis, J.; Tountas, K.; Konstantopoulos, C.; Koutroulis, E.; Bletsas, A., "Backscatter sensor network for extended ranges and low cost with frequency modulators: Application on wireless humidity sensing,"2013 IEEE Sensors, 3-6 Nov. 2013 Available here.

Academic Positions and Research Experience

Other Activities