School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technical University of Crete
Electrical Engineering,
State University of New York at Buffalo, July 2003.
Computer Engineering and Science,
University of Patras, Greece, July 1997.
Areas of Interest
Communication theory and systems,
information theory and coding,
statistical signal and data processing,
physical-layer optimization for wireless communications,
signal waveform design, low-complexity sequence detection, interference suppression and receiver adaptation with short data records,
channel coding and physical-layer security,
MIMO systems, adaptive antenna arrays and array radar,
discrete optimization with low complexity and limited data,
L1-norm principal component analysis of data and signals.
Academic Positions
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2021 - present.
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2019 - present.
Associate Professor,
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2012 - 2019.
Assistant Professor,
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2005 - 2012.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Wright State University, Dayton, OH, 2003 - 2005.
Paper Awards
IEEE MOCAST 2018 Best Student Paper Award
(Intern. Conf. Modern Circuits System Tech. Electr. Commun.)
``Intelligent noncoherent sequence equals coherent detection: Experimental proof in industrial RFID,''
in Proc. IEEE MOCAST 2018,
by M. Ouroutzoglou, A. Bletsas, and G. N. Karystinos.
IEEE ICASSP 2015 Best Student Paper Award
(Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.)
``Noncoherent sequence detection of orthogonally modulated signals in flat fading with log-linear complexity,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2015, pp. 2974-2978,
by P. N. Alevizos, Y. Fountzoulas, G. N. Karystinos, and A. Bletsas.
IEEE ISWCS 2013 Best Paper Award
(Intern. Symp. Wireless Comm. Syst.)
``Some options for L1-subspace signal processing,''
in Proc. IEEE ISWCS 2013, pp. 622-626,
by P. P. Markopoulos, G. N. Karystinos, and D. A. Pados.
IEEE RFID-TA 2011 Second Best Student Paper Award
(IEEE Intern. Conf. RFID-Tech Applic.)
``Inventory time reduction in Gen2 with single-antenna separation of FM0 RFID signals,''
in Proc. IEEE RFID-TA 2011,
by J. Kimionis, A. Bletsas, A. G. Dimitriou, and G. N. Karystinos.
2003 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Outstanding Paper Award
(papers published in years 2000 and 2001)
``On overfitting, generalization, and randomly expanded training sets,''
IEEE Trans. Neural Net.,
vol. 11,
pp. 1050-1057,
Sept. 2000,
by G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados.
IEEE ICT 2001 Best Paper Award
(IEEE International Conf. on Telecom.)
``New bounds on the total-squared-correlation and optimum design of DS-CDMA binary signature sets,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2001,
vol. 3,
pp. 260-265,
by G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados.
Book Chapters
G. N. Karystinos,
``Optimal algorithms for binary, sparse, and L1-norm principal component analysis,''
in P. M. Pardalos and T. M. Rassias (Eds.),
Mathematics Without Boundaries: Surveys in Interdisciplinary Research,
pp. 339-382, New York, NY: Springer, 2014.
Journal Papers
I. Mandourarakis, E. Koutroulis, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Power line communication method for the simultaneous transmission of power and digital data by cascaded H-bridge converters,''
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
to appear.
M. Ouroutzoglou, G. Vougioukas, G. N. Karystinos, and A. Bletsas,
``Multistatic noncoherent linear complexity Miller sequence detection for Gen2 RFID/IoT,''
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 20,
pp. 8067-8080,
Dec. 2021.
H. Kamrani, A. Zolghadr Asli, P. P. Markopoulos, M. Langberg, D. A. Pados, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Reduced-rank L1-norm principal-component analysis with performance guarantees,''
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 69,
pp. 240-255,
Jan. 2021.
P. P. Markopoulos, N. Tsagkarakis, D. A. Pados, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Realified L1-PCA for direction-of-arrival estimation: Theory and algorithms,''
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process.,
vol. 2019,
pp. 1-16,
June 2019.
P. P. Markopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Noncoherent Alamouti phase-shift keying with full-rate encoding and polynomial-complexity maximum-likelihood decoding,''
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 16,
pp. 6688-6697,
Oct. 2017.
P. N. Alevizos, A. Bletsas, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Noncoherent short packet detection and decoding for scatter radio sensor networking,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 65,
pp. 2128-2140,
May 2017.
P. N. Alevizos, Y. Fountzoulas, G. N. Karystinos, and A. Bletsas,
``Log-linear-complexity GLRT-optimal noncoherent sequence detection for orthogonal and RFID-oriented modulations,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 64,
pp. 1600-1612,
Apr. 2016.
M. Gkizeli and G. N. Karystinos,
``Maximum-SNR antenna selection among a large number of transmit antennas,''
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,
vol. 8,
pp. 891-901,
Oct. 2014.
P. P. Markopoulos, G. N. Karystinos, and D. A. Pados,
``Optimal algorithms for $L_1$-subspace signal processing,''
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 62,
pp. 5046-5058,
Oct. 2014.
M. Asteris, D. S. Papailiopoulos, and G. N. Karystinos,
``The sparse principal component of a constant-rank matrix,''
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 60,
pp. 2281-2290,
Apr. 2014.
A. Kyrillidis and G. N. Karystinos,
``Fixed-rank Rayleigh quotient maximization by an MPSK sequence,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 62,
pp. 961-975,
Mar. 2014.
D. S. Papailiopoulos, G. Abou Elkheir, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Maximum-likelihood noncoherent PAM detection,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 61,
pp. 1152-1159,
Mar. 2013.
A. Bletsas, J. Kimionis, A. G. Dimitriou, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Single-antenna coherent detection of collided FM0 RFID signals,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 60,
pp. 756-766,
Mar. 2012.
K. R. Dalbey and G. N. Karystinos,
``Generating a maximally spaced set of bins to fill for high-dimensional space-filling Latin hypercube sampling,''
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification,
vol. 1,
pp. 241-255,
July 2011.
H. Ganapathy, D. A. Pados, and G. N. Karystinos,
``New bounds and optimal binary signature sets-Part II: Aperiodic total squared correlation,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 59,
pp. 1411-1420,
May 2011.
H. Ganapathy, D. A. Pados, and G. N. Karystinos,
``New bounds and optimal binary signature sets-Part I: Periodic total squared correlation,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 59,
pp. 1123-1132,
Apr. 2011.
G. N. Karystinos and A. P. Liavas,
``Efficient computation of the binary vector that maximizes a rank-deficient quadratic form,''
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 56,
pp. 3581-3593,
July 2010.
D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Maximum-likelihood noncoherent OSTBC detection with polynomial complexity,''
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 9,
pp. 1935-1945,
June 2010.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Rank-2-optimal adaptive design of binary spreading codes,''
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 53,
pp. 3075-3080,
Sept. 2007.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Supervised phase correction of blind space-time DS-CDMA channel estimates,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 55,
pp. 584-592,
Mar. 2007.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``The maximum squared correlation, total asymptotic efficiency, and sum capacity of minimum total-squared-correlation binary signature sets,''
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 51,
pp. 348-355,
Jan. 2005.
S. Gopalan, G. N. Karystinos, and D. A. Pados,
``Capacity, throughput, and delay of slotted ALOHA DS-CDMA links with adaptive space-time auxiliary-vector receivers,''
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 4,
pp. 79-92,
Jan. 2005.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``New bounds on the total squared correlation and optimum design of DS-CDMA binary signature sets,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 51,
pp. 48-51,
Jan. 2003.
G. N. Karystinos, H. Qian, M. J. Medley, and S. N. Batalama,
``Short-data-record adaptive filtering: The auxiliary-vector algorithm,''
Digital Signal Processing,
vol. 12,
pp. 193-222,
July 2002.
D. A. Pados and G. N. Karystinos,
``An iterative algorithm for the computation of the MVDR filter,''
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 49, pp. 290-300,
Feb. 2001.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``On overfitting, generalization, and randomly expanded training sets,''
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
vol. 11, pp. 1050-1057,
Sept. 2000 (Outstanding Paper Award).
Conference Papers
M. Ouroutzoglou, A. Bletsas, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Intelligent noncoherent sequence equals coherent detection: Experimental proof in industrial RFID,''
in Proc. IEEE MOCAST 2018 - International Conference on Modern Circuits and System Technologies for Electronics and Communications,
Thessaloniki, Greece,
May 2018 (Best Paper Award).
P. P. Markopoulos, D. A. Pados, G. N. Karystinos, and M. Langberg,
``L1-norm principal-component analysis in L2-norm-reduced-rank data subspaces,''
in Proc. SPIE Compressive Sensing VI: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics,
Anaheim, CA,
Apr. 2017,
vol. 10211,
pp. 1-10.
P. P. Markopoulos, N. Tsagkarakis, D. A. Pados, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Direction-of-arrival estimation from L1-norm principal components,''
in Proc. IEEE PHASED ARRAY 2016 - International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology (PAST),
Boston, MA,
Oct. 2016.
M. Gkizeli and G. N. Karystinos,
``Polynomial-complexity GLRT-optimal noncoherent PNC,''
in Proc. IEEE ISWCS 2016 - International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems,
Poznan, Poland,
Sept. 2016,
pp. 258-264.
Y. Fountzoulas, D. Chachlakis, G. N. Karystinos, A. Bletsas,
``GLRT-optimal blind MSK detection with log-linear complexity,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2016 - International Conference on Telecommunications,
Thessaloniki, Greece,
May 2016.
Y. Fountzoulas, A. Kosta, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Polar-code-based security on the BSC-modeled HARQ in fading,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2016 - International Conference on Telecommunications,
Thessaloniki, Greece,
May 2016.
Y. Fountzoulas and G. N. Karystinos,
``Optimal blind APSK detection in polynomial time,''
in Proc. IEEE VTC 2015 Fall - Vehicular Technology Conference,
Boston, MA,
Sept. 2015.
G. N. Karystinos and A. Bletsas,
``Cubic-complexity optimal noncoherent OOK sequence detection in flat fading,''
in Proc. IEEE ICC 2015 - International Conference on Communications,
London, UK,
June 2015,
pp. 2721-2726.
P. N. Alevizos, Y. Fountzoulas, G. N. Karystinos, and A. Bletsas,
``Noncoherent sequence detection of orthogonally modulated signals in flat fading with log-linear complexity,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2015 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Brisbane, Australia,
Apr. 2015, pp. 2974-2978 (Best Paper Award).
P. P. Markopoulos, N. Tsagkarakis, D. A. Pados, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Direction finding with L1-norm subspaces,''
in Proc. SPIE Compressive Sensing Conference, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing (DSS 2014)},
Baltimore, MD,
May 2014.
P. P. Markopoulos, G. N. Karystinos, and D. A. Pados,
``Some options for L1-subspace signal processing,''
in Proc. IEEE ISWCS 2013 - International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems,
Ilmenau, Germany,
Aug. 2013,
pp. 622-626 (Best Paper Award).
M. Gkizeli and G. N. Karystinos,
``Maximum-SNR transmit antenna selection with two receive antennas is polynomially solvable,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2013 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Vancouver, BC,
May 2013,
pp. 4749-4753.
P. P. Markopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Novel full-rate noncoherent Alamouti encoding that allows polynomial-complexity optimal decoding,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2013 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Vancouver, BC,
May 2013,
pp. 5075-5079.
D. Koupatsiaris and G. N. Karystinos,
``Efficient DOA, DOD, and target estimation for bistatic MIMO SONAR,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2013 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Vancouver, BC,
May 2013,
pp. 5155-5159.
M. Gkizeli and G. N. Karystinos,
``Maximum-SNR transmit antenna selection with unimodular beamforming and two receive antennas,''
in Proc. 2013 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS),
Baltimore, MD,
Mar. 2013.
D. S. Papailiopoulos, G. Abou Elkheir, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Maximum-likelihood blind PAM detection,''
in Proc. IEEE ICC 2012 - International Conference on Communications,
Ottawa, ON,
June 2012,
pp. 2283-2287.
J. Kimionis, A. Bletsas, A. G. Dimitriou, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Inventory time reduction in Gen2 with single-antenna separation of FM0 RFID signals,''
in Proc. IEEE RFID-TA 2011 - Intern. Conf. RFID-Tech. Applic.,
Sitges, Spain,
Sept. 2011,
pp. 494-501
(Second Best Student Paper Award).
M. Asteris, D. S. Papailiopoulos, and G. N. Karystinos,
``Sparse principal component of a rank-deficient matrix,''
in Proc. IEEE ISIT 2011 - Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory,
Saint Petersburg, Russia,
Aug. 2011,
pp. 673-677.
K. R. Dalbey and G. N. Karystinos,
``Fast generation of nested space-filling Latin hypercube sample designs,''
in Proc. 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Minneapolis, MN,
July 2011.
A. T. Kyrillidis and G. N. Karystinos,
``Rank-deficient quadratic-form maximization over M-phase alphabet: Polynomial-complexity solvability and algorithmic developments,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2011 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Prague, Czech Republic,
May 2011,
pp. 3856-3859.
K. R. Dalbey and G. N. Karystinos,
``Fast generation of nested space-filling Latin hypercube sample designs,''
presentation at 2011 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering,
Reno, NV,
Mar. 2011.
K. R. Dalbey and G. N. Karystinos,
``Fast generation of low discrepancy spacefilling Latin hypercube sample designs,''
presentation at SEM IMAC XXIX Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Jacksonville, FL,
Feb. 2011.
K. R. Dalbey and G. N. Karystinos,
``Fast generation of space-filling Latin hypercube sample designs,''
in Proc. 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference,
Fort Worth, TX,
Sept. 2010,
vol. 1,
pp. 473-496.
D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Optimal OSTBC sequence detection over unknown correlated fading channels,''
in Proc. 2009 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
Pacific Grove, CA,
Nov. 2009,
pp. 1441-1445.
M. Gkizeli and G. N. Karystinos,
``Noncoherent detection in amplify-and-forward relay systems,''
in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008,
Comm. Theory Symp.,
New Orleans, LA,
Dec. 2008.
D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Efficient maximum-likelihood noncoherent orthogonal STBC detection,''
in Proc. 2008 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
Allerton House, Monticello, IL,
Sept. 2008,
pp. 294-300.
G. N. Karystinos and A. P. Liavas,
``Quadratic form maximization over the binary field with polynomial complexity,''
in Proc. IEEE ISIT 2008 - Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory,
Toronto, ON,
July 2008,
pp. 2449-2453.
G. N. Karystinos, D. A. Pados, S. N. Batalama, and J. D. Matyjas,
``Auxiliary-vector detection on measured radar data,''
in Proc. 2008 IEEE Radar Conference,
Rome, Italy,
May 2008,
pp. 1134-1138.
A. P. Liavas and G. N. Karystinos,
``Outage capacity of a noncoherent cooperative scheme with binary input and a simple relay,''
in Proc. IEEE ISWPC 2008 - Intern. Symp. Wireless Pervasive Computing,
Santorini, Greece,
May 2008,
pp. 661-664.
D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Polynomial-complexity maximum-likelihood block noncoherent MPSK detection,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2008 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Las Vegas, NV,
Apr. 2008,
pp. 2681-2684.
G. N. Karystinos and A. P. Liavas,
``Outage capacity of a cooperative scheme with binary input and a simple relay,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2008 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Las Vegas, NV,
Apr. 2008,
pp. 3221-3224.
G. N. Karystinos and A. P. Liavas,
``Efficient computation of the binary vector that maximizes a rank-deficient quadratic form,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2008 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Las Vegas, NV,
Apr. 2008,
pp. 3577-3580.
D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Efficient computation of the M-phase vector that maximizes a rank-deficient quadratic form,''
in Proc. 2008 Conf. on Inform. Sc. and Syst. (CISS 2008),
Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ,
Mar. 2008,
pp. 1086-1090.
D. A. Pados, G. N. Karystinos, S. N. Batalama, and J. D. Matyjas,
``Auxiliary-vector RADAR on MCARM data,''
(invited paper) in Proc. 2007 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
Pacific Grove, CA,
Nov. 2007,
pp. 2028-2032.
D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos,
``Near ML detection of nonlinearly distorted OFDM signals,''
in Proc. 2007 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
Pacific Grove, CA,
Nov. 2007,
pp. 1756-1760.
H. Ganapathy, D. A. Pados, and G. N. Karystinos,
``New bounds on the aperiodic total squared correlation of binary signature sets and optimal designs,''
in Proc. IEEE ICC 2007 - Intern. Conf. Communications,
Glasgow, Scotland,
June 2007,
pp. 914-919.
D. A. Pados, G. N. Karystinos, S. N. Batalama, and J. D. Matyjas,
``Short-data-record adaptive detection,''
in Proc. 2007 IEEE Radar Conference,
Waltham, MA,
Apr. 2007,
pp. 357-361.
G. N. Karystinos and A. P. Liavas,
``Efficient computation of the binary vector that maximizes a rank-3 quadratic form,''
in Proc. 2006 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
Allerton House,
Monticello, IL,
Sept. 2006,
pp. 1286-1291.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Bit-error-rate and maximum-SINR performance of the odd-length minimum-TSC binary signature sets,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2006 - Intern. Conf. Telecommunications,
Madeira, Portugal,
May 2006.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``On the design of maximum-SINR binary spreading codes,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2006 - Intern. Conf. Telecommunications,
Madeira, Portugal,
May 2006.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Code division multiplexing properties of the odd-length minimum-TSC binary signature sets,''
in Proc. 2006 Conf. on Inform. Sc. and Syst. (CISS 2006),
Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ,
Mar. 2006,
pp. 1540-1545.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Rank-2-optimal binary spreading codes,''
in Proc. 2006 Conf. on Inform. Sc. and Syst. (CISS 2006),
Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ,
Mar. 2006,
pp. 1534-1539.
A. O. Nasif and G. N. Karystinos,
``Binary transmissions over additive Gaussian noise: A closed-form expression for the channel capacity,''
in Proc. 2005 Conf. on Inform. Sc. and Syst. (CISS 2005),
The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD,
Mar. 2005.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Code division multiplexing performance of minimum total-squared-correlation binary signature sets,''
in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2003,
Comm. Theory Symp.,
San Francisco, CA,
Dec. 2003,
vol. 4, pp. 1862-1866.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Binary CDMA signature sets with concurrently minimum total-squared-correlation and maximum-squared-correlation,''
in Proc. IEEE ICC 2003 - Intern. Conf. Communications,
Anchorage, AK,
May 2003,
vol. 4,
pp. 2500-2503.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Performance analysis of doubly optimal CDMA spreading codes with odd length,''
in Proc. SPIE's 17th Annual Intern. Symp., Digital Wireless Comm. Conf.,
Orlando, FL,
Apr. 2003,
vol. 5100,
pp. 215-226.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Fundamental code division multiplexing properties of minimum total-squared-correlation binary signature sets,''
in Proc. 2003 Conf. on Inform. Sc. and Syst. (CISS 2003),
The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD,
Mar. 2003.
G. N. Karystinos, H. Qian, M. J. Medley, and S. N. Batalama,
``Short-data-record adaptive filtering: The auxiliary-vector algorithm,''
in Proc. 2002 Workshop Defense Applic. Signal Proc. (DASP 2002),
Adelaide, South Australia,
June 2002.
J. D. Matyjas, G. N. Karystinos, and S. N. Batalama,
``On the training of DS-CDMA neural-network receivers,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2002 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Orlando, FL,
May 2002,
vol. I, pp. 1017-1020.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Minimum total-squared-correlation design of DS-CDMA binary signature sets,''
in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2001,
Comm. Theory Symp.,
San Antonio, TX,
Nov. 2001,
vol. 2, pp. 801-805.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``New bounds on the total-squared-correlation and optimum design of DS-CDMA binary signature sets,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2001 - Intern. Conf. Telecommunications,
Bucharest, Romania,
June 2001,
vol. 3, pp. 260-265 (Best Paper Award).
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Adaptive assignment of binary user spreading codes in DS-CDMA systems,''
in Proc. SPIE's 15th Annual Intern. Symp., Digital Wireless Comm. Conf.,
Orlando, FL,
Apr. 2001,
vol. 4395, pp. 137-144.
D. A. Pados and G. N. Karystinos,
``Short-data-record estimators of the MVDR/MMSE filter,''
in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2000 - Intern. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc.,
Istanbul, Turkey,
June 2000,
vol. I, pp. 384-387.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Recovering the phase of blind space-time DS/CDMA channel estimates,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2000 - Intern. Conf. Telecommunications,
Acapulco, Mexico,
May 2000,
vol. 2, pp. 1010-1014.
D. A. Pados and G. N. Karystinos,
``A sequence of MVDR filter estimators,''
in Proc. IEEE ICT 2000 - Intern. Conf. Telecommunications,
Acapulco, Mexico,
May 2000,
vol. 2, pp. 790-794.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Multiuser differential-PSK demodulators for DS/CDMA signals,''
in Proc. SPIE's 14th Annual Intern. Symp., Digital Wireless Comm. Conf.,
Orlando, FL,
Apr. 2000,
vol. 4045, pp. 155-166.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``Supervised phase correction of blind space-time DS/CDMA channel estimates,''
in Proc. 2000 Conf. on Inform. Sc. and Syst. (CISS 2000),
Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ,
Mar. 2000,
vol. I, pp. TA8a.5-TA8a.10.
G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados,
``On DPSK demodulation of DS/CDMA signals,''
in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 1999,
Comm. Theory Symp.,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Dec. 1999,
vol. 5, pp. 2487-2492.
Other Education
- Graduate courses on Piano, Department of Music, Class of Stephen Manes, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2001 - 2002.
- Diploma, Piano, National Conservatory of Athens, Class of Myrto Mavrikou, Athens, Greece, June 1997 (two-year program).
- Bachelor's, Piano, National Conservatory of Athens, Class of Aleka Damira, Athens, Greece, June 1995 (twelve-year program).
George N. Karystinos
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technical University of Crete
Chania, 73100, Greece
Tel: +30-28210-37343
Fax: +30-28210-37542
(Last updated: June 4, 2022)