This course gives an introduction in the concept of “materials”; we examine the structure of the several classes of materials and how this determines their properties; the failure mechanisms of structural materials; their properties and how they are affected by processing; the environmental effects in short and long term properties. Further, the necessity is underlined of an organised technoeconomic approach in the management of materials during the useful lifetime of the products and the recycling afterwards.
The goal of the course for the future engineer is to learn how to choose the appropriate material for a certain application or product and to be able to discern the applicability and the limits for the application of a certain material and how its properties can change during or after its manufacturing.
materials science
Winter Semester, MRED + PME
W. Callister
Materials Science and Technology, 5th edition (translated into greek, publ. Tziolas)
Επιστήμη Υλικών (ΜΗΧΟΠ)
Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία Υλικών (ΜΠΔ)
Εισαγωγή στην επιστήμη των υλικών. Δομή και ιδιότητες διαφόρων κατηγοριών υλικών. Μηχανισμοί αστοχίας. Επίδραση των διεργασιών μορφοποίησης. Μέταλλα, Κεραμικά, Πολυμερή και Σύνθετα Υλικά. Ανάγκη οργανωμένης τεχνικοοικονομικής προσέγγισης στη διαχείριση των υλικών καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια ζωής τους. Επιλογή υλικών για σχεδιασμό προϊόντων.