Current Projects
Ambiently-Powered Network Computers: Batteryless Internet-of-Things-That-Think!
Intelligent Repeaters and Robots for Fast, Reliable, Low-Cost RFID Inventorying &
Past Projects
Ambient Backscatter Sensor Networks under Nonlinear Energy Harvesting
Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics
Environmental Sensing with Backscatter Radio and Backscatter Sensor Networks, RFIDs.
Distributed Resource Allocation
Narrow-band Cooperative (Network) Localization
Building WSNs for Precision Agriculture and City-wide Water Savings
Distributed Emergency Radio
Relay selection and interference avoidance
Analysis of the h-index and large-scale bibliometric footprints
Cooperation in Practice in Wireless Communication and Networks, with Implementation Examples
Autonomous Time Keeping in Distributed Sensor Networks
Network Beatles - Tabletop Location Estimation through Wireless Networking
LithoLab - Nanoscale Finger Control Interface
Physical Limitations on the Expansion of Internet
Esopos - Hellenic Text-to-Speech System
(Undegraduate Thesis work, commercialized in 1999)