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(The above .zip contains the ROS Packages "robonaut_myo" and "gazebo_ros" and the Robonaut2_st Gazebo model.)
Chatziparaschis Dimitris
Videos and ScreenshotsBasic Package Nodes:
Here are some screenshots I took, during the simulation time.
Each screenshot has a description below it, explaining the simulation state at that moment...
Robonaut's Arm and Hand Joints and Links.
Controlling only the Hand of Robonaut. (+ Myo Hand Gesture Classifier)
Setting the new Arm Limitations...
Controlling both Arm and Hand motions of Robonaut..
doing poses..
..and poses..
..and poses..
Interacting with Gazebo World. [Grabbing things]
This part needs some improvement , because to interact with something inside the Gazebo World, something virtual, the robot's movements must be as smooth as accurate can be. In this case, we have an Armband Controller that publishes a fixed amount of data in a period of time and it's worn on a Human's Arm! So you may notice that it's not going to be as smooth experience as expected. :) It's just a stability issue that I hope I will fix in the near future... ( and I'll upload a video, about that :) )
Below you can see two RQT Graphs during the simulation process, while all the ROS Nodes are enabled and Publish or Subscibe to different ROS Topics
And a more detailed graph..
More details about the ROS package Structure, as I mentioned before, you will find in the detailed report.
All the above pictures (+more) are concluded in the screenshot.zip, which can be found in Download section.
Here is a video of me controlling R2's Hand Gestures, wearing the Myo and using two different Joint stiffness parameters.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send me an email.
E-mail: dchatziparaschis@gmail.com