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Short Resume

I born and grew up in the beatiful island of Rhodes.Specifically in a small vilage called Dimulia. Although the village is small and unknown, there are some very nice places nearby that deserve to be visited such as:

Το Μοναστήρι του Άγιου Νικόλαου
Saint Nikolaos Monastery
Μοναστήρι Άγιου Νικόλαου
The fountain of Eleousa
Τo Σανατόριο της Ελεούσας
The village's sanatorium (Campochiaro)

Despite the beatiful places of the area, as you can imagine living in a village is like prison for a teenager because of the lack of means of trasportation and ways of spending your free time.In this way I had the opportunity to do things that I might not have done under other circumstances.I gain a cerftification in English at the level of Proficency and I spent time for the sport I loved, Basketball. In this way, with the team of Diagoras I managed to win some championships.

Unfortunately, at the age of 18 i had to quit all of my activities as I had to focus on my final exams through which i managed to enter the TUC.The cost was I had to gine in basketball, but I couldn't stop exercising so I work out almost every day.

Thus, I came to the beatiful town of Chania where I live occasionally since 2016 and I am learning the lovely places of the area.

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