High Speed Dual Unidirectional Bus
Metropolitan Area Networks
Y. Gong and M. Paterakis : "An Approximate Performance Fairness
Analysis of the Pi-Persistent Protocol with Destination Release", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM - 43, No. 5, May 1995, pp.
1877 - 1880.
W. Jing and M. Paterakis : "Extending the Single-Node DQDB Analytical
Model to Analyze Network-Wide Performance", Computer Networks and ISDN
Systems Journal, Vol. 27, No. 5, March 1995, pp. 653 - 675.
G. Miller and M. Paterakis : "A Study of the Accuracy
of the Bernoulli Approximation of the Slot Occupancy Process in High-Speed Unidirectional-Bus
Networks", in Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference
on Communications, May 1994, New Orleans, LA, pp. 985 - 990.
W. Jing and M. Paterakis : "Message Delay Analysis of the DQDB Subnetwork
Based on an Approximate Node Model", IEEE Transactions on Communications,
Vol. COM - 42, No. 3, March 1994, pp. 1120 - 1130.
G. Miller and M. Paterakis : "A Dynamic Bandwidth - Allocation
- Based Priority Mechanism for the Pi-Persistent Protocol for Metropolitan Area
Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.
11, No. 8, October 1993, pp. 1229 - 1239.
W. Jing and M. Paterakis : "How the Bernoulli Slot Occupancy Approximation
in the Node DQDB Analytical Model Influences the Throughput - Delay Performance",
in Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks,
September 1993, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 120 - 129.
G. Miller and M. Paterakis : "On the Accuracy of the Bernoulli
Approximation of the Slot Occupancy Process in Unidirectional-Bus Metropolitan
Area Networks", in Proceedings of the 1993 Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems, March 1993, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 505 - 510.
G. Miller and M. Paterakis : "Performance Evaluation of
a Dynamic Priority Mechanism for the Pi-Persistent Protocol for Metropolitan
Area Networks", in Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE INFOCOM Conference,
March 1993, San Fransisco, California, pp. 707 -714.
G. Miller and M. Paterakis : "A Bandwidth - Allocation - Based
Priority Mechanism for High - Speed Unidirectional-Bus Networks", in Proceedings
of the 1992 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, December 1992, Orlando, Florida,
pp. 581 - 586.
W. Jing and M. Paterakis : "Applying the Single - Node DQDB Analytical
Model to Network - Wide Performance Analysis", in Proceedings of the 1992
IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, December 1992, Orlando, Florida, pp. 1618 - 1622.
W. Jing and M. Paterakis : "Message Delay Analysis of the DQDB (IEEE
802.6) Network", in Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE INFOCOM Conference,
May 1992, Florence, Italy, pp. 527 - 535.
Y. Gong and M. Paterakis : "Design and Performance Analysis of
a Dynamic Protocol Achieving User Fairness in High - Speed Dual - Bus Networks",
in Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE INFOCOM Conference, May 1992, Florence,
Italy, pp. 1079 - 1088.
R. Balliga and M. Paterakis : "A Priority Scheme for Unidirectional
Bus High Speed Metropolitan Area Networks", in Proceedings of
the 1992 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, March 1992,
Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 645 -650.
G. Miller and M. Paterakis : "Design and Analysis of a Priority
Mechanism for the Pi-Persistent Protocol for High - Speed Unidirectional-Bus
Networks", in Proceedings of the 1992 Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems, March 1992, Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 632 -637.
Y. Gong and M. Paterakis : "Performance Analysis of a Flexible Protocol
Achieving User Fairness in High - Speed Dual - Bus Networks with Destination
Release", in Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE INFOCOM Conference,
April 1991, Miami, Florida, pp. 479 - 488.
Y. Gong and M. Paterakis : "An Accurate and Fast Protocol Achieving
User Fairness in High - Speed Dual - Bus Networks", in Proceedings of the
1991 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, March 1991, Baltimore,
Maryland, pp. 941 - 946.
Y. Gong and M. Paterakis : "On the Unfair Behavior of the IEEE 802.6
Distributed Queue Dual Bus Medium Access Protocol", in Proceedings of the
Fourth IEEE Workshop on Metropolitan Area Networks, November 1990,
Fort Myres, Florida, Paper 5.7, pp. 5.7.1 - 5.7.17.
Y. Gong and M. Paterakis : "A Robust Random Multiple - Access Algorithm
for Packet Transmissions over Noisy Channels with Error Memory", in
Proceedings of the 1990 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
March 1990, Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 367 - 372.