Professional Activities
Session Chairman of the
International Conferences
2002 IFIP Networking
Conference, Pisa, Italy, May 19-24 (chaired the Performance of Wireless Networks
2000 IEEE Symposium on
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2000), London, UK, September
1998 International Conference on Telecommunications
(ICT '98), Chalkidiki, Greece, June 1998
ITC Mini-Seminar on Performance Modeling
and Design of Wireless/PCS Networks, Boston, MA, October 3, 1996
Metropolitan Area Networks Session of the
1993 IEEE INFOCOM Conference, San Fransisco, California
Multiple Access Session of the 1993 Conference
on Informatics Sciences and Systems, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Communications Session of the 12th Triennial
Conference on Operations Research, Athens, Greece, June 25-29, 1990
Member of Technical Program Comitee of the International
·8th International Conference
on Personal Wireless Communications (IFIP PWC 2003), Telecom Italia Future Centre
- Venice, Italy, 2003.
2001 Very Large Data Bases
Conference (VLDB '01), Rome, Italy
6th IFIP Workshop on Performance Modeling
and Evaluation of ATM Networks (IFIP ATM '98), Great Britain, 1998
4th IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and
Implementation of High Performance Communication Subsystems (HPCS '97),
Sani Beach, Chalkidiki, Greece
1994 IEEE INFOCOM Conference on Computer
Communications, Toronto, Canada
1992 IEEE INFOCOM Conference on Computer
Communications, Florence, Italy
11th International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems (ICDCS '91), Arlington, Texas
Reviewer of the International Scientific Journals
IEEE Transactions on
IEEE Journal
on Selected Areas in Communications
IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory
Transactions on Computers
Transactions on Networking
IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications
IEEE Transactions
on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Communications
Evaluation (Elsevier Science Publisher)
Computer Networks
and ISDN Systems Journal (Elsevier Science Publisher)
ACM Wireless
Networks Journal
ACM Computer
Communications Journal
ACM / Baltzer
Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal
European Transactions
on Telecommunications and Related Technologies
IEE Proceedings
Part I : Communications, Speech and Vision
IEE Electronic
Very Large
Data Bases (VLDB) Journal
Wiley Encyclopedia
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publishers
(reviewed the article on Multiple Access
1999 IFIP
Volume on ATM Networks : Performance Modeling and Analysis (Kluwer Publishers)
Technica Chronica (the Scientific Journal of the Technical Chamber of Greece)
Reviewer of Articles of
the International Conferences
1998 International Conference
on Telecommunications
4th IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and
Implementation of High Performance Communication Subsystems
IEEE CDC '95 (Conference on Decision and
Control) Conference
2nd International Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Systems
2nd International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks
IEEE GLOBECOM '92 - '95 Conferences
IEEE INFOCOM '91 - '95, '98 and '02 Conferences
1991 and 1992 IEEE International Conference
on Distributed Computing Systems
Organizer of Technical Workshops on Computer Communication
Organized an one day Workshop on Computer Communication Networks at the Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, 12 July 1991
Education Experience Professional Activities
Honors Research Areas
Ph.D. Advisees
M.Sc. Advisees
Professional Support
Teaching Activities