Office hours for students
- Monday on 17:00-19:00 (Athens, GMT+2) at my office. Teleconference is also possible after a relevant arrangement.
- Wednesday on 9:00-11:00 (Athens, GMT+2) at my office. Teleconference is also possible after a relevant arrangement.
Undergraduate Courses
Introduction to Computer Programming (MATH 105), School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of crete, Chania, Greece
1st year course in the School of Mineral Resources Engineering (39 hours of teaching, co-tutor)
Postgraduate Courses 
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Paris, Paris, France
MSc in Distributed Artificial Intelligence track (3rd semester - M2, 18 hours of teaching)
Undergraduate Courses Tutorials and Laboratory Demonstration
Linear Algebra (MATH 201)
- using the Matlab programming language
Numerical Analysis (MATH 202)
- using the Matlab programming language
Supervisor of postgraduate students master thesis
Maria Tsiana, 2022, The landscape of the CRM systems in the Greek market, Master in Technology & Innovation Management (MTIM), Master Thesis, Technical University of Crete
Stefanos Triantis, 2021, Administrative process reengineering using a business process management system (BPMS), Master Thesis, Interdisciplinary Intermediate Postgraduate Programme on Systems Engineering, Hellenic Army Academy - Technical University of Crete
Co-supervisor of postgraduate students master thesis
Nikolaos-Touomo Batakis, 2020, Exploring robotic process automation, Master Thesis, Master in Technology & Innovation Management (MTIM), Technical University of Crete
Co-supervisor of undergraduate students diploma thesis
Rafail-Stylianos Dikidikis, 2023, Development of an intelligent system for the application of policies in public administration expenditure clearance procedures, Diploma Thesis, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete
Georgios Iatrakis, 2022, Design and implementation of microservices for Smart EV Charging/Discharging using the SYNAISTHISI IoT platform, Diploma Thesis, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Panteleimon Krinakis, 2021, Development of an intelligent system for decision policy into smart buildings with the use of hierarchical argumentation theory, Diploma Thesis, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete
Emmanouil Xanthakis, 2020, Development of a web-based information system for the documentation and exploitation of the learning qutcomes of university courses, Diploma Thesis, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Georgios Gligoris, 2020, Argumentation and reasoning on the computational cloud, Diploma Thesis, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Konstantinos Kostis, 2019, Web-based decision policy definition and simulation application for the Gorgias argumentation framework, Diploma Thesis, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Maria Benioudaki, 2019, Reconstitution of the administrative process of printer cartridges procurement by using a Business Process Management System (BPMS), Diploma Thesis, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete
Aliki Pialoglou, 2018, Web Application for Student Learning Outcomes Documentation, Diploma Thesis, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete
Georgios Kechagias, 2018, Development of a functional multiagent system prototype for offering integrated vehicle-to-grid and grid-to-vehicle services in smart cities, Diploma Thesis, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Efthymios Floros, 2017, An Integrated Development Environment for the ASEME Methodology, Diploma Thesis, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Nektarios D. Mitakides, 2014, Transforming ASEME Roles Models to Process Models, Diploma Thesis, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Georgios L. Papadimitriou, 2014, Extending Kouretes Statechart Editor for Executing Statechart-Based Robotic Behavior Models, Diploma Thesis, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Angeliki Topalidou, 2012, A CASE Tool for Robot-Team Behaviour-Control Development, Diploma Thesis, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Alexandros Paraschos, 2010, Monas robotic platform: A Flexible Software Architecture for Robotic Agents, Diploma Thesis, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Advisor (unofficially) of post-graduate student master thesis
Antonios Argyriou, 2010, Model Transformations from the system requirements analysis to system analysis and design, Master Thesis, Hellenic Open University
Co-supervisor of undergraduate students professional training course
- 2008, The student Mrs Dimitra Gouveraki developed a dynamic web site based on PHP and MySQL technologies
Preference-based argumentation in practice 
19-20 July 2023, 23rd European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2023), Prague, Czech Republic
The tutorial will motivate the use of argumentation and defeasible logic. Then it will outline Dung’s abstract argumentation, followed by a structured argumentation framework (Gorgias). The presentation will relate structured argumentation to explainable AI and the attributive, contrastive and actionable properties of an explanation. It will close with a short presentation of two real-life use cases where cognitive argumentation technology is used at the center of these applications to provide an explainable and Human-centric solution. The software methodology to acquire the knowledge for these applications and the use of the Gorgias system tools will be briefly presented. In a second part, the students can have the possibility to do a hands on session to the Gorgias Cloud system to develop and test their own theories in a specific decision making problem.
Statecharts use in Agent Technology 
19 July 2021, 22nd European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2021), Porto, Portugal
This tutorial aims to bring forward the intersection between the worlds of statecharts and autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. Agent Technology and Statecharts technology are two worlds that started almost at the same time, in the eighties, the first as Distributed Artificial Intelligence and the second as a method for engineering complex and reactive systems. We begin by disambiguating the different terms related to statecharts, i.e. state machines and finite state automata / machines. Subsequently we review their impact to agent technology. Initially, they were employed for modeling agent interactions and agent plans. Agent interaction modeling is mainly concerned with defining protocols that govern an interaction. Such models have also been referred to as inter-agent control models. Later, statecharts were used by Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) methodologies for the coordination of the different agent modules. Such models are also referred to as intra-agent control models. Moreover, agent platforms like the popular Java Agent Development Framework (JADE), base complex agent behaviour to the definition of state machines. This tutorial collects the experience of using statecharts for agent-related research but also for Engineering Multi-Agent Systems. It brings forth their pros and cons but also good practices. It concludes with some hints on future directions based on recent developments in the Statecharts research.
Model-driven Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 
26 July 2016, 18th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2016), Catania, Italy
Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) emerged immediately after the autonomous agents and multi-agent systems was established as a research field of the computer science/artificial intelligence discipline. The new characteristics and concepts of multi-agent systems and autonomous agents needed to be integrated in a software engineering methodology. AOSE came to cover this need. Until today, a number of methodologies have been proposed each supporting different styles of agent programming and different agent architectures. In this tutorial, we present several AOSE methodologies found in the literature. Moreover, we present important works in the area of modeling inter-agent protocols, as one of the major issues in Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) is the modeling, representation and implementation of agent interaction protocols. Model-driven engineering (MDE) is a software engineering paradigm, that uses models at different levels of abstraction. The different phases are marked by models’ completions and transition between phases is done using model transformations (thus increasing automation). Higher-level models are transformed into lower level models until the executable system model. We will demonstrate how MDE influences an AOSE methodology looking closer at ASEME, a model driven, hybrid AOSE methodology.
Agent Oriented Software Engineering 
Friday July 26th, 2013, CretaMASSS-2013/HAISS'13-Agents Summer School tutorial.
In this tutorial, we discuss the Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) domain, which allows the new characteristics and concepts of multi-agent systems and autonomous agents to be integrated in a software engineering methodology.
We present several innovative AOSE methodologies found in the literature. The methodologies are viewed from the perspective of the papers and books that proposed them, but also from the perspective of the speaker and other works that compare AOSE methodologies.
Moreover, we present important works in the area of modeling inter-agent protocols. One of the major issues in Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) is the modeling, representation and implementation of agent interaction protocols. A wide range of methodologies for AOSE adopt one existing model (most usually AUML), while others employ UML models (like activity diagrams); or instead simply define messages that the agents send to each other (allowing the modeling of simple protocols).
Finally, we discuss the integration of trends in mainstream Software Engineering such as modularity, model-driven development and meta-modeling, agile processes by the existing methodologies.